Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snack cakes, jogging and one little card...

Week 2 and I am moving right along with one of my 2011 theme words! Yay :)

I would be lying if I said losing weight had nothing to do with choosing "health" as one of my words. My health is one of the reasons, knowing my cholesterol is at a ridiculous level and that I have zero energy, not to mention my lack of consistency in taking my thyroid medication. But seriously, I need to shed some pounds.

So... I am pleased to say week 1 has made me 1 1/2 pounds closer to where I want to be, and for that I am happy. I instinctively feel like I need to follow that with something like, "Only 58 1/2 more to go!" But something like that belittles my progress and makes the task insurmountable. I intend to keep trucking along on this road to a healthier (and hopefully thinner) me.

Some perks to this health thing, in addition to the weight loss... I have wasted less money each day by eating breakfast at home and taking my lunch to work. I feel good about my food choices. Somehow, exercising has actually given me a little more energy.

I did eat out a couple of times this weekend, but I made good choices when I did. (And it wasn't a huge discussion in my head about how it wouldn't hurt just this one time to have something bad...I just went in with a plan to order something tasty that is also low in fat... Yay for things getting easier!)

Oh, and one day this week, I was at work, when Little Debbie snack cakes were being passed out all around me. I tried not to look, but I am pretty sure they were the delicious Valentine's Day cakes. I avoided it and stuck to my yogurt and banana. I have to say I was pretty proud of myself, but am also sure it was only with God's help :)

I started week 2 today in the Couch to 5K program and can officially jog in 90-second increments without passing out :)  Progress!

Now... moving on to week 2 in theme-word number 2 - "Others." I am doing terrible!! I haven't done a single thing on purpose this week for other people, until tonight. I decided to send a card, a note, to some people who I really appreciate, but don't get to talk to often. I guess I picked a bad time to try this, because, as I picked up my pen and my first card, my mind went blank. I wrote one card and that's as far as I got, and even it was a lot less inspiring than I had hoped. Blah.

But... I still have many weeks left this year to improve, right?

More updates soon... :)

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