Sunday, January 30, 2011

Smaller pants, water and downsizing

Okay, I will start with good stuff... I lost 3 more pounds this week! Grand total of 9 pounds lost! Yay!! I successfully completed week three and have been working on week 4 of the Couch to 5K program this week! I had no idea I could run that much. I am super psyched about that. But, like all previous weeks, I am certain next week's assignment will have me on the floor of the guest bedroom (i.e. treadmill room, Jacob's room, etc.) having a stroke right in front of my Taylor Lautner posters (don't judge...) :) 

Food has gone pretty well this week. I had a couple of days where I ventured back to normal food like pizza, but tried really hard to not let the pizza win. I ate two tiny slices with a whole lot of salad (fat-free dressing, of course). :)  Overall, not too bad, but I am skeptical of what the scales will say tomorrow on weigh-in day. In preparation for disappointment, I am telling myself that all of this exercising has surely been building muscle, which weighs more than fat, so it makes perfect sense if I lose nothing. My size-smaller pants were worn successfully Saturday night and that couldn't have made me happier. I am one size away from my Goal #1 pair of jeans that are hanging as inspiration beside my treadmill.

I am still taking my thyroid medicine as instructed... yay me! I could definitely up my water-drinking though. I've slacked on that a little this week. I will make that my goal for this week. (Pop just tastes so delicious!)

Now for some less than stellar news... I am downsizing my words. I wanted to have two theme words for this year, rather than just one. I chose "health" and "others." I have decided that "others" is no longer an official word. At least not one I am going to blog about.

I did much better at thinking of others and helping them before I made it an official goal. After setting a goal with it, I started thinking of it in an entirely different way, wondering what people reading this blog would think of whatever it is I am announcing I have done. Would it be good enough, too show-offy, etc. All things that got in the way of me being helpful.

Another reason is it was uncomfortable to talk about things I did for other people. I felt very braggy and it took away from the real reason of why I wanted to do it to start with - to focus on others. Instead I was shifting the focus onto myself.

Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't given up my desire to help people. I think I will have a renewed commitment to do this now. I just won't be tooting my own horn about it :)

Thanks a million for reading!! I will post again soon...


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the weight loss! I'm super proud of you! =) - Monica
