Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Ok... On this 2nd of January, 2011, I am thinking of New Year's resolutions. Maybe number one should be something about not procrastinating =) 

My sister-in-law told me something she heard on the radio about having a theme word for the year, rather than a specific resolution. I kind of like the idea, so I am starting out with that. The only problem is deciding which word... There are a million things I am sure that could use changing or improving, a little tweaking, so trying to narrow it down to a single word sounds difficult.

Do I try to improve my organizational skills... or develop some, or maybe try to stop complaining and look at things a little more positively? Writing more? Spending less? Where in the world would I begin?

I decided to focus in on two words, because one was just too hard. First word... Health. I could list a million things in this category, like eating less, eating healthier, exercising more (or at all :), taking my medicine, drinking water, cutting out caffeine, limiting cheese (that's crazy talk).. But ultimately, with this one-word business, it seems a little easier to just think of that one word when I am making a decision during my day. If I am trying to think about what to have for lunch, maybe my one-word theme will help me to choose better.

My second word... Others. While focusing on other people isn't something completely foreign to me, it is definitely something I could stand to do more of. Doing something kind for someone else isn't entirely selfless, as it almost always leaves me feeling better. Kind of a win-win. It may not be something big everyday, but even a tiny thing, done with the right attitude and on purpose, can make it a better day.

So... Here I go. Starting tomorrow (better late than never, right?) I am going to try to focus more on my health and on other people. And, I am going to write about it more often, giving an update on how it is going. Kind of a way to make sure I keep it up.

Wish me luck :)

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